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(sort of) Was hoping I'd finally be able to finish this quest after the new patch update mentioned it was fixed but yeah. The 1949 Oldsmobile 76 station wagon was the last of a dying breed -- the wood-paneled family wagon. I've been trying for three days now, only once Johnny without response with the caption "this person is busy" stands. Fallout 76. You'll have to exit the dungeon (don't abandon the quest, just exit the vault) and. ??? Buried Treasure Locations. hannah pet society Learn how to complete the penultimate quest of the Wastelanders expansion main story and claim the loot from Vault 79. You can only side with one faction for the vault raid and you get the achievement based on who you chose. They should spawn back in the place where they are supposed to be Weeb Overlord May 14 @ 6:43am. The map leads to a buried mound that contains random loot. The Fallout Networks subreddit for Fallout 76. sks znan Johnny Numb-Nuts won't start dialogue so I can't progress Fallout 76's developers credit the community's feedback in making the Atlantic City update So I have been trying to do (Buried Treasure) and I have had a hell of a time with Johnny not being interactive , to the invisible wall at the intercom are there any fixes to this I just wanna get this done Guides, builds, News, events, and more. Apr 17, 2020 · How to unlock the Go for the Gold achievement in Fallout 76: Complete "Buried Treasure". Speak to Lou once their. If you already got this and want to unlock "A Golden Future" create a new character and play the DLC campaign again but this time chose The Foundation instead of The Raiders. tdlyk alks Buried Treasure (need help) Xbox Help So this keeps happening to me. ….

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